Established in 2000
* Brangus Cattle Breeder’s Society of SA –
* BreedPlan
* Bastion Brangus Breeders
* Central Region Brangus Club
* Medium carcass cow herd
* Emphasis on fertility
* Heifers are raised on sourveld with a lick
* First mated at 24 months of age
* Animals are only selected from those certified in calf at time of vetting
* Both cows and calves are weighed at weaning to identify the money-
* making females
* Maximum income from low maintenance animals
* AlI is done on all early calving animals
* No nonsense bulls with hardiness and a high libido
* Bulls undergo a veld bull test
* Best young bull is retained in herd for 2 seasons
* Generally bulls are sold at 3 years of age
* Herd sires are DNA tested for feed conversion, tenderness,
* marbling, myostatin and rib-eye
* Bull DD06151 “Converter” was the first animal identified with 8 genetic
* markers (full marks) for feed conversion and tenderness
* Average Herd ICP (Inter-calving period) below 400 days since 2009
* 2010 Brangus Cow Herd of the Year
* 2011 Brangus Breeder of the Year
* 2011 National Senior Champion Black Cow
* 2012 National Senior Reserve-Champion Black Cow
* 2012 Grand Champion Black Bull
* Pick&Pay/Landbouweekblad/Breedplan South African Stud Breeder of the
* Year 2013 4th Place